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Abbreviation Definition
A&Aaid and attendance
ACAPannual clothing allowance payment
AOadjudication officer or Agent Orange
AOJagency of original jurisdiction
APAAdministrative Procedure Act
AWOLabsent without official leave
BCMRBoard for Correction of Military Records
BCNRBoard for Correction of Naval Records
BVABoard of Veterans' Appeals
C-file; C-numberclaims file; claim number
C.F.R.Code of Federal Regulations
CHAMPUSCivilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHAMPVACivilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
COLAcost-of-living adjustment
C&PCompensation and Pension
CAVCU.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
DCdiagnostic code
DDdishonorable discharge
DICdependency and indemnity compensation
DOD(U.S.) Department of Defense
DRBDischarge review board
DSM-5Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.)
DVA(U.S.) Department of Veterans Affairs (more often, VA)
EAJAEqual Access to Justice Act
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FTCAFederal Tort Claims Act
GAO(U.S.) General Accounting Office
GCgeneral counsel
GSWgunshot wound
HDhonorable discharge
HLRhigher-level review or higher-level reviewer
INCincurred in service
IUindividual unemployment
IVAPincome for VA purposes
JAGjudge advocate general
JSRRCJoint Services Records Research Center
MAPRmaximum annual pension rate
NASNational Academy of Sciences
NHLnon-Hodgkin's lymphoma
NOAnotice of appeal
NODnotice of disagreement or notice of death
NPRCNational Personnel Records Center
NSLINational Service Life Insurance
NSOnational service officer
NVLSPNational Veterans Legal Services Program
OGCOffice of General Counsel (VA)
OMPFofficial military personnel file
Op. G.C.opinion of the general counsel
PCTporphyria cutanea tarda (a liver dysfunction)
PDBRPhysical Disability Board of Review
Pub.L. or P.L.public law
POApower of attorney
POWprisoner of war
PTpermanent total disability
PTSDposttraumatic stress disorder
RADrelease from active duty
REPSRestored Entitlement Program for Survivors
RO(VA) Regional Office
SFspecial form
SFWshell fragment wound
SGLIServicemen's Group Life Insurance
SMCspecial monthly compensation
SMPspecial monthly pension
SMRservice medical record
SOCstatement of the case
SRDschedule for rating disabilities
SSASocial Security Administration
SSDISocial Security Disability Income
SSISupplemental Security Income
SSOCsupplemental statement of the case
STSsoft-tissue sarcoma
STRservice treatment records
TBItraumatic brain injury
TDIUtotal disability rating based on individual unemployability
TDRLtemporary disability retired list (uniformed service)
UCMJUniform Code of Military Justice
UDundesirable discharge
UOTHC(discharge) under other than honorable conditions
U.S.C.United States Code
U.S.C.A.United States Code Annotated
VA(U.S.) Department of Veterans Affairs (also used for its previous name, "Veterans Administration")
VACOVA Central Office
VAMCVA medical center
VAOPCVA out-patient clinic
VAROVA regional office
VBAVeterans Benefits Administration
VCAAVeterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000
VEAPVeterans' Education Assistance Program
VGLIVeterans' Group Life Insurance
VHAVeterans Health Administration
VJRAVeterans' Judicial Review Act of 1988
VR&EVeterans Readiness and Employment
VSOveterans service organization or veterans service officer