VA Domiciliary Care and Residential Rehabilitation Treatment

VA domiciliaries and residential rehabilitation treatment programs (RRTPs) help veterans live as independently as possible. These programs provide a home environment, including food, shelter, clothing, and other comforts, for a limited period of time to veterans who are unable to earn a living. Veterans are provided rehabilitation, vocational, psychiatric, substance abuse, and other support services. Some medical services may be provided.

The VA “may,” but is not required to, provide this care to veterans whose annual income does not exceed the maximum annual pension rate of a veteran in need of regular aid and attendance or any veteran with no adequate means of support. The veteran must also have a chronic condition that prevents him or her from earning a living for a period of time.

Hospitalized veterans are usually referred for care by their physician. Veterans can also apply for domiciliary or RRTP care by completing the VA Form 10-10EZ and undergoing screening.